In the end of the cycle of this Executive Board of CIM, we especially thank Irene Fonseca for her scientific guidance and support. We thank all the collaboration and advices of the members of the Scientific Council: Jean- Pierre Bourguignon, Luis Caffarelli, Rui Loja Fernandes, Rolf Jeltsch, João Queiró, Amílcar Sernadas, Pedro Silva, Maria Antónia Turkman, Marcelo Viana and Luís Nunes Vicente. We thank all the collaboration and ad- vices of the members of the board of the General Assembly: José Francisco Rodrigues, Rafael Santos and Eugénio Rocha. We thank all the collaboration and advices of the members of the Statutory Audit Committee: Rui Car- doso, Carlos Braumann and Alfredo Egídio dos Reis. We thank Paulo Mateus for coordinating the creation of the new website of CIM. We thank Adérito Araujo and Sílvio Gama for being the editors of the CIM bulletin. We thank António Fernandes for being the art editor of the CIM bulletin. Alberto Pinto thanks Paulo Mateus, Hen- rique Oliveira, Sílvio Gama, Adérito Araújo and Jorge Buescu for their contribution as members of the Execu- tive Board of CIM. We thank all the effort and collabo- ration of the members of CIM.

- 2015 Workshop - Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences
- 109nd European Study Group with Industry 2012

János D. Pintér is an applied mathematician, technical author, algorithm and software developer, as well as an entrepreneur. He holds an MSc specializing in Operations Research from the University of Sciences (ELTE) in Budapest, Hungary. He also holds a PhD in Probability Theory and Stochastic Optimization from Moscow State (Lomonosov) University; and a DSc in Mathematics awarded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Dr. Pintér owns and runs Pintér Consulting Services (PCS) since 1994; his company is incorporated in Canada

The Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Lisbon New University (http://www. hosted, from May 5 to May 9, 2014, the 101th European Study Group with Industry (ESGI). This was the 8th ESGI edition held in Portugal.

André Neves one of the most distinguished world mathematicians was a member of the Scientific Organising Committee of the Geometric Analysis Conference, July 7-11, 2014, held at the Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal organized by Miguel Abreu, José Mourão, João P. Nunes and Rosa Sena- Dias and partially sponsored by CIM

CIM thanks the participants João Coelho [LIAAD-INESC TEC, University of Porto], José Cardoso [Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro], Ricardo Cruz [University of Porto], João Gama [LIAAD-INESC TEC, University of Porto], Ivette Gomes [CEAUL and DEIO/FCUL, University of Lisbon], Richard James [University of Minnesota, USA], Carlos Ramos [Centro de Investigação em Matemática e Aplicações, Universidade de Évora], Andrew Schmitz [University of Florida, USA] and Ana Soares [Universidade do Minho] of the International Conference and Advanced School Planet Earth, Mathematics of Energy and Climate Change MECC 2013, Portugal, 21-28 March 2013, for sharing their ideas and points of view with us in this interview.
The questions presented here are based on several interviews, in particular, the interviews published in previous CIM bulletins. CIM thanks Renato Araujo and Alberto Pinto for organizing this interview.

CIM thanks the participants Elvio Accinelli [UASLP, Mexico], Alberto Álvarez-López [UNED, Spain], Michel Benaim [Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland], Mário Bessa [Universidade da Beira interior], Fabio Chalub [Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal], Ana Dias [Universidade do Porto, Portugal], Orlando Gomes [ISCAL/ IPL, Portugal], Clara Grácio [Universidade de Évora, Portugal], Filipe Martins [LIAAD INESC TEC, Portugal], Bruno Oliveira [Universidade do Porto, Portugal], Joana Pais, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal], Alexandre Rodrigues [Universidade do Porto, Portugal], Luís Filipe Silva [CIBIO Universidade dos Açores, Portugal], Luís Silva [ISEL Lisboa, Portugal], and Paulo Vasconcelos [Universidade do Porto, Portugal] of the International Conference and Advanced School Planet Earth, Dynamics, Games and Science II [DGS II], Portugal, 28 August to 6 September 2013, for sharing with us their ideas and points of view in this interview.
The questions presented here are based on several interviews, in particular, the interviews published in previous CIM bulletins. CIM thanks Renato Soeiro and Alberto Pinto for organizing this interview.

CIM thanks the participants João Almeida [Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal], Carlos Braumann [Universidade de Évora, Portugal], Marta Faias [Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal], Flávio Ferreira [Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal], Penelope Hernandez [University of Valencia, Spain, Spain], Onesimo Hernandez-Lerma [CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico], José Martins [Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Portugal], Diana Mendes [ISCTE, Lisboa, Portugal], Diogo Pinheiro [City University of New York, USA], Edgard Pimentel [Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal], Jérôme Renault [Université de Toulouse, France] of the International Conference and Advanced School Planet Earth, Dynamics, Games and Science III [DGS III], Portugal, February 17-21, 2014, on the occasion of the 50th birthday of Alberto A. Pinto, for sharing with us their ideas and point of views in this interview.
The questions presented here are based in several interviews; in particular, the interviews published in previous CIM bulletins. CIM thanks Renato Araujo and Alberto Pinto for organizing this interview.