- June 23, 2007: 10th Annual Workshop on Applications and Generalizations of Complex Analysis
- June 27-29, 2007: EPSA 2007 - Workshop and Advanced School on Eigenvalue Problems, Software and Applications
- July 18-20, 2007: LQCIL’07 Workshop on Quantum Cryptography
- July 22-27, 2007: CIM/UC Summer School “Topics in Nonlinear PDEs”
- September 17-19, 2007: ROBOMAT 2007 - Workshop on Robotics and Mathematics
- October 26-27, 2007: Follow-up Workshop on Optimization in Finance
- December 13-15, 2007: CIM Iberian Workshop on Partial Differential Equations, Numerical Solutions and Applications

The General Assembly of CIM met on May 26, 2007, during the morning, in the CIM premises at the As- tronomical Observatory of the University of Coimbra. In the afternoon of the same day, the members of the General Assembly had the opportunity to attend a talk by Gabriela Gomes (Gulbenkian Institute of Science), titled “The SIRI Model in Epidemiology: Pertussis and Malaria”


This work concerns a non-traditional approach to logic and epistemology, based on a challenging, albeit conjectural, articulation of views proceeding from Evolutionary Psychology and Biology, Non-Monotonic and Decision Logics, and Artificial Intelli- gence. The hinges to the latter inevitably suggest the emergence of an innovative symbiotic form of evolutionary epistemology.

Originally published by the American Mathematical Society in MATH in the MEDIA, a section of the AMS Website,www.ams.org/mathmedia. Reprinted with permission.

Professor Ortiz, please tell us a little bit about your early education. When did your interest in mathematics begin ? How did you go into mathematics ?