- June 28-30: Workshop “From Lie Algebras to Quantum Groups”
- July 1: 9th European Workshop on Applications and Generalizations of Complex Analysis
- July 19-21: Workshop on Mathematics in Chemistry
- September 4-8: 3rd International Workshop on Mathematical Techniques and Problems in Telecommunications
- September 11-15: 2nd Summer School on Mathematics in Biology and Medicine
- October 20-21: CompIMAGE: International Symposium on Computational Modelling of Objects Represented in Images
The General Assembly of CIM met on May 27, 2006, during the morning, in the CIM premises at the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Coimbra.
In the afternoon of the same day, the members of the General Assembly had the opportunity to attend a talk by Doutor Jorge Barros Luís (Montepio Geral).
- Follow-Up Workshop on Mathematics and the Environment
- Aveiro Workshop on Graph Spectra
- CIM Scientific Council Meeting 2006
We survey the relationship between symplectic and Poisson geometries, emphasizing the construction of the symplectic groupoid associated with a Poisson manifold.
First, we congratulate you for being awarded, recently, the first ever Ramanujan Prize, which “distinguishes young mathematicians for conducting outstanding research in developing countries”. What does this prize mean to you ?