CIM call for support to scientific events organized by Associates in 2025

One of the purposes of the CIM support is to strengthen the scientific relationships between Associates, through funding of scientific events organised in collaboration.

Only events organised by at least two CIM Associates will be considered for funding. Proposals will be accepted until the 31st of December of 2024 and decisions on them will be taken early in 2025. If some budget remains available, applications arriving after the above deadline will be evaluated on a first-come first-serve monthly basis, until there is no funding left.

The bids are kept informal. However, a short description of the event and a budget are required. They should also mention the support that has been obtained or solicited from other sources.

Application to publish the corresponding Proceedings or Lecture Notes in the CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences should also be done at this stage, should there be an intention to take advantage of this possibility.

Organizers of funded events taken place in 2025 are required:

- to publicize the support of CIM, in particular by using its logo, in the documents and the webpage of the event;
- to produce a scientific report of the event, to be published in CIM Bulletin;
- to deliver a budget execution report.

The two above-mentioned reports should be delivered within 3 months (maximum) after the event, and in no case later than the 31st of December of 2025.

Edited/published: Published/edited: 18/09/2024